MNC Asset x Supermarket Reksa Dana Held an Event Free Webinar, Record The Date !

Jakarta, February 23rd  2021 – As of 2020 year-end, the number of capital market investors registered at The Indonesia Central Securities Depository (KSEI) has exceeded the 3.5 million of total SID (Single Identification Number). Of these, there are 1 million people who are classified as millennial investors with an average age of under 35 years.

This indicates that millennials are very enthusiastic in the capital market and it has been growing fast. Therefore PT MNC Asset Management (MAM) together with PT Supermarket Reksadana Indonesia (SMARD) as one of the partners in sales distribution channel (APERD) will hold a financial literacy and mutual fund 101 webinar event with the theme "Smard Investors Take Action Now". This event will be held on Thursday, February 25th 2021 from 3.00 PM to 4.00 PM through Zoom application and it is a free entry.

The main goal of this event is to reach as many new investors between ages 18 to 35 years as possible to participate, to know and to understand more about mutual funds.

Business Manager of MAM, Annafrid Nikijuluw, who will also be the moderator of this event stated, “This collaboration with SMARD is a concrete step of MNC Asset´s commitment to implementing financial literacy for new investors. Furthermore we are hoping that this event can also be the way for us to increase the Asset Under Management (AUM) of MAM products through SMARD as the selling agent".

Also in this event, MAM is inviting today’s well-known financial planner who is also the founder of finansialku.com, Melvin Mumpuni, to share about the importance of mutual funds as one of the investment instruments to choose in order to achieve financial goals.

"One of the investment instruments that is suitable for young people with a diversified level of risk and optimal returns is mutual funds," said Melvin. According to him, mutual funds has tiered levels of risk and return, starting from the lowest to the highest. "Before doing the investment, investors must first start with a financial check-up to find out the ability to save money, therefore financial planning is very important and this will be discussed more on detail in this coming up event", said Melvin.

Meanwhile, VP of SMARD, Hotman Siregar, said  "With the kind of investors’ profile in SMARD who mostly are millennials, we are hoping that this event can give more insights and knowledge about the mutual fund products, especially on MAM products’ details, such as MNC Dana Lancar and MNC Dana SBN." Hotman also added, “SMARD is very excited with the collaboration with MAM in this event and is looking forward for other more collaborations in the future”.