MNC Asset X Women Understand Stocks: “Women Can Be Good at Investing”

JAKARTA, July 6, 2022 - Investments are now starting to be noticed by all groups, such as employees, housewives, entrepreneurs and students. The increasing interest in investment, based on KSEI data as of May 2022, the number of investors in the capital market experienced a fairly high increase, namely 18.29% or 8.8 million investors. Now there are several investment instruments available in the community, such as mutual funds, stocks, bonds, deposits, and so on. This is also one of the reasons why people are increasingly motivated to invest.

Likewise for female investors, according to data from KSEI in May 2022 there was an increase in the number of assets of female investors by 20% compared to May 2021. Women as family financial managers have a big influence on financial decisions in the family, both for daily needs. as well as in the future. For this reason, women should be aware of developments in the financial industry, one of which is investing or even starting it for future needs.

In response to this, PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (BCAP) through the MNC Asset Management (MNC AM) business unit in collaboration with Yusril Nuril Ihza or who is familiarly called Mbak Yus from the Wanita Paham Saham community, held an IG Live on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, 19.00 - 20.00 WIB.

Annafrid Nikijuluw as MNC AM´s Business Manager and also the host on IG Live said that, “Investing is very important right now and very easy to do. There are many investment instruments that women can do, one of which is through mutual funds. This collaboration is very interesting, because we want more women to understand and invest in it.”

This was also welcomed by Mbak Yus, “Investment is very important to prepare for the future and for retirement, I hope that more and more women in Indonesia will know about the world of capital markets and investment, because women have a big influence in managing family finances. I am also happy to be collaborating with MNC Asset as one of the investment management companies in Indonesia," said Mbak Yus.

Want to know how the reviews? see the full discussion tonight at 19.00 WIB - 20.00 WIB on the accounts @mncasset and @perempuanpahamsaham Don´t miss it!