MNC Asset Management Holds ETF Mutual Fund Training

Jakarta, 29 April 2019 – As one of the efforts to increase financial inclusion, MNC Asset Management for the first time held an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) Mutual Fund training which was held on Monday, 29 April 2019 at the MNC Financial Center Building, 13th floor, Central Jakarta. The participants of the training are institutional customers consisting of several foundations, pension funds and insurance.

The training event was opened by an opening speech from the President Director of MNC Asset Management, Mr. Frery Kojongian, which was then followed by a presentation of the 2019 market outlook by Mr. Edwin Sebayang as Head of Research MNC Sekuritas. Mr. Hari Tanoesoedibjo, as Chairman of MNC Group was also present in delivering his remarks at the opening of the training and socialization of ETF Mutual Funds. After the welcome session, literacy on ETF was delivered by one of the selling agents of MNC Asset mutual funds, PT Indopremier Sekuritas, represented by Mr. Noviono Darmosusilo as director.

In the final session, MNC Asset Management conveyed to the audience about the MNC36 Likuid ETF Mutual Fund product. The MNC 36 Likuid ETF Mutual Funds are mutual funds that investors can buy in the primary and secondary markets in real time on the stock exchange, just like stock transactions with reference to the MNC36 index. MNC Asset Management conveyed 3 advantages of the MNC36 Likuid ETF Mutual Fund, namely accessible, flexibility and affordable. For customers who want to buy the MNC36 Likuid ETF Mutual Fund product, they can buy it on the Indopremier Sekuritas application with the ticker code XMTS. After completing the activity, the audience was invited for a de office tour to see the buildings in the MNC Group Kebon Sirih complex.

Frery Kojongian as President Director of MNC Asset Management said "Apart from being a place to increase financial inclusion, especially ETF Mutual Funds, this training event also aims to increase knowledge of ETF Mutual Funds so that customers can actively invest in MNC36 Likuid ETF Mutual Funds and of course with this activity we too optimistic that ETF Mutual Funds are one of the attractive investments for customers”.