Hary Tanoesoedibjo Attends MNC Asset Management Coordination Meeting

JAKARTA, January 21, 2022 - PT MNC Asset Management held a national coordination meeting (Rakornas) in 2022. The event was attended by all employees from all MNC Asset Management branches with the theme Adaptive To Be Champion.

Executive Chairman of MNC Group, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, said that working in the business world and wanting to succeed is easy or easy in times like these. Talking about asset management, there are several things that need to be considered, such as performance to manage a good fund.

"So performance is number one, we have to have good income, we have to know the economic situation, the industry, in the capital market and we have to know which companies are investing," said Hary Tanoesoedibjo in a virtual MNC Asset Management Coordination Meeting, Friday (21/1/ 2022).

According to Hary Tanoesoedibjo, the fund manager is required if he wants to make a decision, he must explain why he did it.

"So if I want to buy share A, I have to have a reason, I have to explain. That is to ensure that the decision is taken objectively, not because of an emotional decision from the fund manager´s decision or someone else´s," said Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

Hary Tanoesoedibjo gave an example that in 1992 he conducted a survey on how fund managers choose brokers, namely research, proper or transparent and their execution. Basically asset management is an easy thing, said Hary, who started his business when he was 24 years old with a whiteboard, in contrast to what is now digital.

"Then what if you want to advance? Of course application development. But applications and non-applications still have the same requirements, namely performance, admin transparency, proper administration, settlement, back office, all of which are part of that," said Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

In accordance with the theme of the 2022 National Coordination Meeting, namely Adaptive To Be Champion, Hary Tanoesoedibjo emphasized that if everyone wants to become a champion, follow the directions that have been confirmed. "No one is born smart right away, so what does it mean if we want to perform, follow the conditions, and you will become a champion," said Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

President Director of MNC Asset Management Frery Kojongian in his speech said that Hary Tanoe´s direction was very valuable in the era of digitalization and accompanied by the Covid-19 pandemic, where there were many changes in the business world, including in the retail, banking and financial sectors.