Beware of Fraud on behalf of MNC Asset

Jakarta, March 9th, 2021 - Recently, there have been many telegram channels on behalf of several investment manager companies that promise definite returns by transferring to bank accounts on behalf of individuals. We urge all customers to be vigilant and to always ensure of our social media accounts on the official website www.mncasset.com

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Free! MNC Group & AGCO Wall Street held Investor Forum March 2 - 3, 2021, this is the registration link !

Jakarta, 26th February 2021 - In line with the commitment to advancing the Indonesian economy, especially the capital market, MNC Group and Auerbach Grayson & Company LLC (AGCO) are holding the MNC Group Investor Forum 2021 with the theme "Recovery Story after The Big Reset".As known, AGCO, is a member of Wall Street, USA, which was recently acquired by MNC Group in early 2021.

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MNC Asset x Supermarket Reksa Dana Held an Event Free Webinar, Record The Date !

Jakarta, February 23rd  2021 – As of 2020 year-end, the number of capital market investors registered at The Indonesia Central Securities Depository (KSEI) has exceeded the 3.5 million of total SID (Single Identification Number). Of these, there are 1 million people who are classified as millennial investors with an average age of under 35 years.

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Outlook MNC Asset Management: 2021 Year of Economic Recovery, Time to Invest Now !

Jakarta, January 28th, 2021 - MNC Asset Management (MAM) has successfully held a Market Outlook 2021 webinar with the theme "Precious Moment To Invest Amidst Pandemic". The event was attended by the general public, both retail and institutional customers.

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Discussing Market Outlook 2021, MNC Asset held a Free Webinar for Investors

Jakarta, 22nd January 2021 - PT MNC Asset Management (MAM) will hold a webinar discussing the 2021 market outlook on Wednesday, 27 November 2021. In this market outlook discussion, the theme raised was "Precious Moment To Invest Amidst Pandemic".

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