This is a Sharia Investment Trend for Millennials, Watch on IG Live MNC Asset x Indo Premier Securities!

Jakarta, May 2th, 2021 - The capital market industry is currently being loved by young people. This is can be seen from the data increase in the number of millennial investors, which has increased significantly. Reporting data from PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI), as of March 31, 2021, the number of retail stock investors was recorded at 2.17 million while mutual fund investors totaled 4.17 million investors. In fact, in December 2020 the total capital market investors amounted to 3.88 million and interestingly, the number of investors who were less than 30 years old was 54.8% of that number.

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Information for MNC Asset´s Investor

Jakarta, 28th April 2021 - We would like inform about periodic investment program (auto debit) Mutual Funds managed by PT MNC Asset Management with the Bank autodebet feature (BCA / Bank Mandiri) which you are registered as a customer of the periodic investment program, we will inform you that it is effective from 1 May 2021,

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Discuss Coffee Business and Investment, Watch IG Live MNC Asset with Kopi Nako!

Jakarta,21th April 2021 - Now, coffee is being loved by millennial´s. Various types of flavors and variations of coffee continue to growth of cafe concept coffee shops.

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Looking for Sharia Investments in Ramadan ? Here are the recommendations!

Jakarta, 19th April 2021 - The Ramadan is a holy month full of blessings, all Muslims are competing to get blessings through fasting . During the 30-day fast, Muslims only eat and drink at dawn and break. For some people, this momentum is an opportunity to save on lunch expenses that can be allocated to increase investment.

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Ramadan 2021, Check This Out Imsakiyah Schedule

Jakarta, April 13th, 2021 - Through the isbat session which was held on April 12 yesterday, the Government determined that the holy month of Ramadan will start on April 13, 2021. Therefore, all Muslims in Indonesia will fast starting today.

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