Stimulating Mutual Fund Investment Literacy in the Community, MNC Asset Management X Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia Holds a Webinar "Understanding and Investing in Mutual Funds"

Jakarta, April 14, 2022 - Investing today is no longer a new thing in society, as one of the preparations for the future, investing is one of the right steps. Various kinds of investments are offered to the public, such as mutual funds, stocks, bonds, deposits, and so on. One of the investment instruments that the public is interested in, especially novice investors, is mutual funds, this is evident from the OJK data for 2021, an increase in managed funds at the end of 2021, which is IDR 579.95 trillion, up 1.12% from the previous period.

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Improving Sharia Capital Market Literacy, MNC AM X Sharia Capital Market Community Holds IG Live

Jakarta, April 12, 2022 - Ramadan is a month of millions of goodness, all Muslims around the world are competing to do good as a provision for investment in the hereafter.

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Consistently Improving Capital Market Literacy, MNC Asset Management MNC Sekuritas and BEI Riau Islands Representative Office Give Mutual Fund School Webinar

Jakarta, April 9, 2022 - Consistent in supporting capital market literacy, PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (BCAP) through its two subsidiaries, namely, MNC Asset Management and MNC Sekuritas in collaboration with the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Riau Islands Representative Office held a mutual fund capital market school webinar. The webinar which was held on Saturday, April 9, 2022 with the title “Mutual funds : easy and profitable investment” was attended by participants from various types of work backgrounds.

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Encourage People to Invest, MNC Asset Management x MNC Sekuritas Pekanbaru Holds Mutual Fund Capital Market School

Jakarta, March 31, 2022 - Choosing investment means to protect and develop finances requires various considerations, starting from the type and management of investment funds. Currently, mutual funds have begun to be looked at by the public as one of the favorite investment instruments, both beginners and experienced investors.

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Stimulating the Growth of Smart Investors, MNC Securities Malang Branch Holds Capital Market School

Jakarta, March 26, 2022 - The capital market in Indonesia, which is growing over time, is something that people are starting to look at, according to IDX data in 2021 when the pandemic occurred, investors grew by more than 50% or up to 7.5 million investors as of December 2021. The capital market itself has a role important for the economy of a country, because the capital market has a function as a means for business funding or as a means for companies to obtain funds from the investor community.

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